The Internationally recognized leader in video sentencing advocacy.

Every client has a story to tell,
a humanity to reveal.

Law Like You've Never Seen


Ordinary measures lead to ordinary results.

Every client’s story matters. A good lawyer understands the importance of uncovering that story and telling it well. Typical tools of advocacy pale in comparison to a well-crafted short documentary video. Passon is on the cutting edge of this powerful and persuasive litigation process.

As a criminal defense lawyer with over 20 years’ experience and an award-winning filmmaker, Passon possesses a one-of-a-kind skillset. He will help illuminate the truth of your client’s story in a way traditional methods of persuasion advocacy simply cannot. This method is not only accepted, but welcomed in courts across the country.

CLE on Demand


Inside the Staircase

In order to rebut the defendant’s claim that his wife died from a fall down the stairs as opposed to a savage beating, the state enlisted a small army of dubious “experts” to prove its case.


Inside the Staircase

In order to rebut the defendant’s claim that his wife died from a fall down the stairs as opposed to a savage beating, the state enlisted a small army of dubious “experts” to prove its case.


Inside the Staircase

In order to rebut the defendant’s claim that his wife died from a fall down the stairs as opposed to a savage beating, the state enlisted a small army of dubious “experts” to prove its case.

Want to learn more?

Click below to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

Why Visual Advocacy


Seeing is believing.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million.  A powerful story told with powerful visuals enhances the credibility and impact of sentencing arguments.


Video gives the attorney greater control over the unpredictability of live witnesses and brings sterile written witness statements to life.


Research consistently shows that video is a highly effective tool for communication and persuasion.


Videos give the judge or jury an up-close and personal view of the human side of your client, their family and their life.


As the leading expert in sentencing video advocacy, Passon has the legal experience and production capabilities to handle any kind of case.


The potent combination of legal advocacy and documentary film making has the power to change lives.

From the Blog

Every good story has meaning!

We humans are undeniably creatures of story.  Think of how empty life would be without ever having been transfixed by images dancing before our eyes in a dark movie theatre, engrossed in an incredible page-turner, or mesmerized by a master storyteller weaving a yarn around a roaring campfire. But stories…

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The Labor of Law – Save Yourself and You Save the World

Next month I will have officially reached my twenty-fifth year of lawyering; the majority of those years were spent slogging through the litigation trenches as a state and federal public defender.  These can be dark waters we lawyers swim in.  We confront people at their lowest moments in life.  We…

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