Experienced attorney
What sets Passon apart from anyone else doing this work is that he is a practicing criminal defense lawyer with over two decades experience in the litigation trenches. Having tried a multitude of cases in state and federal court and handled close to 1000 sentencings, Passon is uniquely situated to provide “big picture” guidance and insight to the case that non-attorney filmmakers cannot.
Award-Winning Filmmaker
For over twenty years, Passon has also immersed himself in the study of filmmaking and screenwriting, becaming an accomplished documentary filmmaker. He has directed, filmed and edited non-legal, award-winning short and feature-length docs that have played throughout North America and beyond.
Mitigation Video Expert
Passon’s first experience with using video for mitigation dates back to 1995. In 2014, he was recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a pioneer in this field. He is widely recognized as the leading expert in his field. He has written and taught extensively on these and other topics for NACDL and several other national organizations.

Every client has a story to tell. How we tell it can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
After over twenty years in the trenches, including 12 years with the Trial Unit of the Office of the Federal Public Defender in Phoenix, Arizona, Passon knows that in litigation, every client has a story to tell, and how we tell it can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
As an award-winning documentary filmmaker recognized by the Wall Street Journal as a pioneer in the use of video in sentencing mitigation, Passon understands that film/video can be the most compelling way to convey the true emotion of the story. He produces documentary films for use in and out of court, and brings an unmatched skill set to this process.
Passon received his law degree from Washington University School of Law, where he was Associate Editor of the Washington University Law Quarterly. He regularly authors and contributes to articles in criminal defense publications and has led nearly 70 training and workshop sessions on this and other topics.
Doug Passon

Reasons For Us To Work Together
Unparalleled Experience
Passon has seen firsthand, the results obtained from sentencing videos; his first case with a video dates back to 1995.
Industry Leader
Passon is internationally recognized as an expert and a pioneer in video sentencing advocacy.
Legal Work Requires Legal Minds
This is the ONLY mitigation video production company run by an experienced defense attorney and former federal defender. Having been in the trenches, Passon knows exactly what moves the needle in court, how to conduct pristine witness interviews, and how to navigate any legal hurdle or objection.
Big Picture
When you hire this firm, you do not only get a top-notch video production studio, but a full-service law firm that will help you construct your case narrative, formulate litigation strategies, and seamlessly integrate the video into your overall presentation.
Story Professional
Passon is also an award-winning filmmaker and writer –you not only get an extra legal mind on the case, but a story expert that can help you see your case in a whole new way.
Proven Results
Our methods are proven and our results speak for themselves. Our mitigation videos consistently result in sentencing reductions ranging from solid to spectacular.
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